Friday, March 28, 2008

Red Bull

Hurray, it looks like we almost have all the basics done. As I am browsing at the store, after much hesitation, I purchased the Red Bull and hurried home to start reviewing this beast. If you have ever seen the Red Bull, you know that the can consists of a diagonally-cut box of gray and blue. In front of that, you also notice the words "Red Bull Energy Drink" in a red font and two red bulls ramming into each other highlighted by a yellow circle. I can't help but notice the phrase at the bottom saying "Vitalizes body and mind." This drink is different than many others because it comes in not just an 8 ounce can, but a 12 and 16.8 ounce can. So, I'm ready to tear into this drink.

As I open this can, I immediately smell acetone, an ingredient in nail polish remover. Other than that, this drink smells a bit similar to Monster. This drink surprisingly, comes out like a beer color, you know, with a lot of fizzing as well. In other words, this drink is a dark yellow in color. This is a tough one to describe...I can say that this drink is bitter as it hits your mouth then goes away after about 3 seconds, then leaves you with a semi-sweet aftertaste. Alright, I think I've got the taste; it has a green apple-like taste with a hint of blue raspberry. The carbonation, is powerful, which holds you back from chugging this drink. The bitterness almost exactly resembles that of a green apple and the sweetness is similar to that of a blue raspberry. Another thing that holds you back from consuming large sips is the amount of major gumminess. Overall, if you are looking for a drink that relieves stress or improves performance such as playing an instrument or riding a dirt bike/atv, head over to the energy drink aisle and purchase this drink.

Now for the ingredients: This drink contains sucrose and glucose, an added alternative to HFCS. If it does not contain HFCS, then why is it so gummy? Because it contains 39g of sugar, now that's a lot. Taurine then comes in at number 5, just about average for an energy drink. I next notice caffeine coming in at number 7, thats pretty incredible as well. Per can, you get 160 calories of this goodness, similar to a regular soda. One disadvantage this drink has is its price. For a typical 8 ounce can, you're going to pay about $2.00. For a 12 ounce can, you're going to pay around $3.00. And finally, for a 16 ounce can, your gonna pay around $3.50. Lastly, I would like to applaud the makers of Red Bull for their job in creating such a powerful, tasteful, drink.

Taste: 7 - Not too sweet and not too bitter, just right
Kick: 8 - Nearly perfect kick, much energy is given
Overall: 7.5 - I was pretty happy with Red Bull, next comes the Red Bull Cola!

Reviewed by: Chan

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