Monday, March 24, 2008

Sobe No Fear Gold

I waited a while to review this, I had it for a couple days and never got around to drinking it. This is a product of Sobe, as you can tell from the can.

This is not as heavily carbonated as some other drinks I've had, and that gave it more of a juice feeling. I opened it and found a guava like smell, somewhat like what Chan experienced with his regular No Fear. It's quite sweet and with relatively little gumminess, I was impressed. There was no real change in the aftertaste compared to the actual flavor except for a slight bitterness. There is, though HFCS, although I wouldn't have known.The flavor really kept me coming back for more because of the sweet then slight bitter taste, and the guava really overwhelms. If you like guava juice, this is certainly a plus for you. The flavor was a clear amber, but I'm just gonna have to say again how much the guava and assorted citrus flavor were appreciated.

I have to say I think the ingredients are nice, but the HFCS, no matter what little effect it added to the taste, really made me wonder what they were thinking by putting that in there.

Here we have the usual 2000 mg of taurine per can, and there's some vitamin B and C, actually, quite a lot. There's a ginseng, Grape seed, and Guarana extract, along with some Carnitine and Arginine. This puts down a good kick, nothing extraordinary, but it didn't disappoint.

Taste: # 9- I really enjoyed the guava
Kick: # 7- Nothing amazing, put passable.

Overall: # 8- It was better in flavor than kick, but still great.

Reviewed by: Chris

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