Saturday, April 5, 2008

El Sol (It's the Sun) Ultra Red Ginseng

This is my second review for the day. This time I have the El Sol Ultra Red Ginseng. Phew! Long name. But that means it has to be good, right? I love a tea-like drink, so I am really exctied to tear into this one This can has a ginseng plant, roots, plant stem, flower, and all. Behind it, you see a fire-red background with the words Ultra Red Ginseng going vertically alont the side of the can. I also notice the words El Sol inside its trademark orange-yellow sun.This drink also comes in a small, 8.3 ounce can. This thing acts so big yet its so small. I think that this one will prove to me that it has bragging rights to put large writing and designs on it. So, here it goes.

As I pop open the can, I smell the odor of dirt, pretty nasty. I hope the taste will be better though. It comes out of the can a dark amber color, with minimal carbonation. This is the most unique drink I have reviewed yet. As soon as it hits your mouth, you get sweet sensation of natural herbs and honey. Pretty refreshing. I can also notice trace amounts pf cinnamon. However, the aftertaste is like you're eating a plant. It's bitter and you can taste dirt, a little bit. I advise you take constant sips, or you might end up throwing up. I'm sorry to say that, but it's true...I cannot taste any gumminess whatsoever, that's what makes this drink natural and focusing on the flavor. As you might know, I enjoy drinks that have a natural flavor and with a hint of tea, but this drink is too natural. After about 4 ounces, I found this a little nasty and hard to drink. Now, I can't even taste the honey, the aftertaste has taken over. I would refer to this as juice instead of a carbonated drink because I can taste very slight carbonation. Overall, don't buy this drink, unless you can handle a strong, dirt-like taste...

Okay, let's talk about the ingredients. First, you see carbonated water. Then comes Korean Red Ginseng Extract (Dirty plant). Following that, I see honey, and then HFCS. Honey or no honey, this drink was pretty hard to drink. As for the HFCS, I found no gumminess anyway, so thats fine. I also notice herb flavor in the ingredients, it just helps the aftertaste get more bitter. Per can you only get 85 calroies, that's pretty low. You also only get 20g of sugar, that's okay too since all the sweetness is from the honey. On the back of the can I notice the words "Natural Health Drink." Yeah, sure it's a health drink, but you'll only get 4 ounces into it and nearly throw up. Save yourself the pain and the money, and don't buy it.

Taste: 3 - It had a weak flavor and let the aftertaste win...I couldn't drink more than 4 ounces
Kick: 5 - Well, nothing really
Overall: 4 - Just don't buy this, I mean it's no better than eating a plant with a dash of honey

Reviewed by: Chan

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