Thursday, May 29, 2008

FRS Orange

It has been awhile since I've touched this drink. I got it maybe a few weeks ago and didn't bother to review it till now, only because I heard they weren't that great of energy drink company. Although they won't give you the best taste, FRS (Free Radical Scavenger) is designed to deliver sustained energy, enhance mental focus, and protect your cells from free radicals. Many consumers use this drink as an exercising aid, because it does say to drink 30-60 minutes before workouts. This drink is one powerful drink-it supplies essential vitamins, patented flavonoids, and metabolic enhancers. This can has the same amount of antioxidants as 3 servings of blueberries, 8 servings of red onions, and 10 servings of raspberries, pretty intense, huh? However, it says to drink 1-2 cans per day, I really couldn't imagine that, but there are some people who really want good health, I guess. Besides ingredients, FRS comes in an 11.5 fl oz can, and has an orange outline, with some hexagonal orange shapes, connected.

As I open up the drink, I get a silent sound, being that this drink is non-carbonated. I smell an odd orange vitaminy odor, with some bitterness. Out of the can FRS Orange reveals a milky orange-yellow color, with obviously no fizziness. First sip going in was a welcoming sour orange, getting sweeter as it fades away. The second sip, however, I get the same taste, except-what is that?-I got a chunk of something...Perhaps it's the flavonoids. As you take more and more sips, you start think about it's taste: light, bittersweet, oniony, and a bit nasty. Once again, FRS is made to give you some great energy, forget about its taste and down it. FRS has no long-term aftertaste, but its short-term hits you with a strong onion-like flavor. As I mentioned earlier, FRS has no carbonation, great because this one is long chugged by me, and almost all other consumers willing to break one of these open. As well as that, this drink is low on gumminess, which it better be. Overall, FRS Orange is pretty unpleasant going down and I did not enjoy it much, but it does pay off an hour later.

As for the ingredients, this one has just plain water and then that magical natural sweetener: organic evaporated cane juice, found in the Steven Seagal drinks. Next, I see white grape juice from concentrate and orange juice from concentrate, as well as an odd ingredient, inulin. Next comes natural orange flavors, quercetin, gum Arabic, locust bean gum, green tea extract, caffeine, natural lemon flavor, beta carotene, and riboflavin. Per can (Remember: 11.5 fl oz), you get a decent amount of calories, 140 and only a low amount of about 31g of sugar. As for caffeine, you get about 48mg, which is equal to about a half cup of coffee. Although the caffeine count is low, all the other energy ingredients in the FRS formula balance it out to make it a solid kick. You may have been wondered where taurine was in this one, my theory is that taurine is an unnecessary ingredient, because the surplus of other energy ingredients. Okay, I'm glad this one is reviewed and packed away, keep visiting daily to see what our next energy drink has in store for us, here on Canned Reviews.

Taste: 4 - I continue to say: not meant for taste!
Kick: 7 - Not a bad kick, especially for a 12 ounce drink
Overall: 5.5 - This one will not make our Worst Taste list only because its dubious ingredients

Reviewed by: Chan

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