Sunday, December 28, 2008

Vegas Fuel Sugar Free

I needed a boost today, and I still had this, so I pulled out the Vegas Fuel Sugar Free. Vegas Fuel has a very clean, strong look, and the original was quite tasty, so I'm very optimistic about their sugar free flavor. Words that come to mind when I think about this drink include expensive, elegant, and quality. Because I've already been told by Chan that this is a phenomenal drink, I have high hopes. The side of the can gives us a little blurb about the drink very stylishly with the words: "All of the tropical punch flavor and none of the 'guilt.' Get ready to go non stop." I do remember from drinking the original a very tasty punch flavor, but now I'm about to go in depth with what Vegas Fuel calls an "Energy Drink Experience." I want to thank Vegas Fuel very much for giving us some samples to review.

My first word as I open the can is "Wow," as I was surprised by the very quick and quiet opening. Vegas Fuel, instead of releasing lots of gas and making a loud hiss, abruptly pops open with two metallic clicks. That must be part of the experience and it comes across as unique and interesting. The liquid splashes out of the can a bit and I can see it's a rosy red, much like pomegranate. As I move in for a sip, I smell the bite of the fruity tropical punch that I might classify as sour grapefruit and pineapple with everybody's favorite signature punch fruits in the background. A sip reveals to me a light and moderately carbonated tropical punch flavor that I like a lot. Unlike Hawaiian Punch, Rockstar Punched and many more popular punch drinks, Vegas Fuel goes easy on the sweetness and really ramps up the flavor, something I like very much in an energy drink. Vegas Fuel Sugar Free comes across with a mild but satisfying sweetness along with a strong and unique punch that lingers a bit longer than the sweetness. The artificial sweetener in the drink is done perfectly, since the drink goes down smoothly without distracting me with an aftertaste. Focusing on the flavors in the drink, I think I can pinpoint cherry, pineapple, grapefruit, orange, maybe guava, and possibly lemon. It's pretty tough, because the flavors are so close they only make me think about punch. Whatever the exact components of the flavor may be, Vegas Fuel Sugar Free is just as delicious a drink as the original, and I imagine that this would be a very good drink for mixing.

Vegas Fuel Sugar-Free ingredients include Carbonated Water, Citric Acid, Taurine, Natural & Artificial Flavors, Sodium Citrate,Glucuronolactone, Caffeine, Calcium Pantothenate, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Panax Ginseng Extract, Guarana Seed Extract, Sucralose, Niacinimide, Inositol, Acesulfame Potassium, FD&C Red #40, Gum Acacia, Ester Gum, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, and Cyanocobalamin. It looks like a pretty standard ingredients list. As for the kick, I can say I was pretty energetic for a good three hours or so, but not jittery. Overall, I would recommend this drink for it's great flavor and because it'd be a great mixing drink.

Taste: 8.9 - Toned down sweetness, awesome strong tropical punch flavor
Kick: 7.4 - Not the most intense kick, though up to par with some of the big brands
Overall: 8.5 - Good and tasty drink for mixing

Reviewed by: Jeff

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